As the temperature rises up, I bet you can't wait to go out with your family and friends, enjoying the green vibe of spring in the city.
It's almost the end of the winter break, recently, universities in Xi'an are releasing the official notification with detailed requirements for returning to school. Let's check out!
Life is not easy, how to keep a good mood? Actually, this can be achieved through developing a system of positive habits.
As far back as the era of ancient Egypt and the prehistory period of the areas along the two major rivers, lapis lazuli became the first commodity of the Silk Road
On this special day, we came up with a list of some old movies, fine restaurants and wine bars, for you and the one you want to share with.
Photos or short videos about the views, cultural sites or stories happening in Shaanxi featured with the theme "spring".
According to the Xi'an Municipal Transportation Management Office, since February 10, each passenger station in Xi'an will gradually resume
We sincerely wish you luck and happiness in Year of the Tiger!